Florian Ehn
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Unchained Selections - The Real Authentic Wine
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Plan Details

Current Plan: Monthly
Your plan will renew on November 1, 2019 for $19.00.
To change your plan to upgrade, downgrade, cancel or switch billing frequency:
Please, email our support: [email protected]

Invoice Number Establishment Company Status Invoice issueds on: Amount
Invoice Number Establishment Company Status Invoice issueds on: Amount
#68531 Unchained Selections Unchained Selections Sent 2011/04/25 $320,800
#68530 Unchained Selections Unchained Selections Paid 2011/07/25 $170,750
#68529 Unchained Selections Unchained Selections Sent 2009/01/12 $86,000
#68528 Unchained Selections Unchained Selections Sent 2012/03/29 $433,060
#68527 Unchained Selections Unchained Selections Sent 2008/11/28 $162,700
#68526 Unchained Selections Unchained Selections Paid 2012/12/02 $372,000
#68524 Unchained Selections Unchained Selections Paid 2012/08/06 $137,500
#68521 Unchained Selections Unchained Selections Paid 2010/10/14 $327,900
#68520 Unchained Selections Unchained Selections Paid 2009/09/15 $205,500
#68519 Unchained Selections Unchained Selections Paid 2008/12/13 $103,600
#68518 Unchained Selections Unchained Selections NOT PAID 2008/12/19 $90,560
#68517 Unchained Selections Unchained Selections Sent 2013/03/03 $342,000
Charde Marshall Unchained Selections Unchained Selections NOT PAID 2008/10/16 $470,600
Haley Kennedy Unchained Selections Unchained Selections 43 2012/12/18 $313,500
Tatyana Fitzpatrick Unchained Selections Unchained Selections 19 2010/03/17 $385,750
Michael Silva Unchained Selections Unchained Selections 66 2012/11/27 $198,500
Paul Byrd Unchained Selections Unchained Selections 64 2010/06/09 $725,000
Gloria Little Unchained Selections Unchained Selections 59 2009/04/10 $237,500
Bradley Greer Software Engineer London 41 2012/10/13 $132,000
Dai Rios Personnel Lead Edinburgh 35 2012/09/26 $217,500
Jenette Caldwell Development Lead New York 30 2011/09/03 $345,000
Yuri Berry Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) New York 40 2009/06/25 $675,000
Caesar Vance Pre-Sales Support New York 21 2011/12/12 $106,450
Doris Wilder Sales Assistant Sidney 23 2010/09/20 $85,600
Angelica Ramos Chief Executive Officer (CEO) London 47 2009/10/09 $1,200,000
Gavin Joyce Developer Edinburgh 42 2010/12/22 $92,575
Jennifer Chang Regional Director Singapore 28 2010/11/14 $357,650
Brenden Wagner Software Engineer San Francisco 28 2011/06/07 $206,850
Fiona Green Chief Operating Officer (COO) San Francisco 48 2010/03/11 $850,000
Shou Itou Regional Marketing Tokyo 20 2011/08/14 $163,000
Michelle House Integration Specialist Sidney 37 2011/06/02 $95,400
Suki Burks Developer London 53 2009/10/22 $114,500
Prescott Bartlett Technical Author London 27 2011/05/07 $145,000
Gavin Cortez Team Leader San Francisco 22 2008/10/26 $235,500
Martena Mccray Post-Sales support Edinburgh 46 2011/03/09 $324,050
Unity Butler Marketing Designer San Francisco 47 2009/12/09 $85,675
Howard Hatfield Office Manager San Francisco 51 2008/12/16 $164,500
Hope Fuentes Secretary San Francisco 41 2010/02/12 $109,850
Vivian Harrell Financial Controller San Francisco 62 2009/02/14 $452,500
Timothy Mooney Office Manager London 37 2008/12/11 $136,200
Jackson Bradshaw Director New York 65 2008/09/26 $645,750
Olivia Liang Support Engineer Singapore 64 2011/02/03 $234,500
Bruno Nash Software Engineer London 38 2011/05/03 $163,500
Sakura Yamamoto Support Engineer Tokyo 37 2009/08/19 $139,575
Thor Walton Developer New York 61 2013/08/11 $98,540
Finn Camacho Support Engineer San Francisco 47 2009/07/07 $87,500
Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore 64 2012/04/09 $138,575
Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York 63 2010/01/04 $125,250
Zorita Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco 56 2012/06/01 $115,000
Jennifer Acosta Junior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 43 2013/02/01 $75,650
Cara Stevens Sales Assistant New York Paid 2011/12/06 $145,600
Hermione Butler Regional Director London 47 2011/03/21 $356,250
Lael Greer Systems Administrator London 21 2009/02/27 $103,500
Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco 30 2010/07/14 $86,500
Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh 51 2008/11/13 $183,000
Michael Bruce Javascript Developer Singapore 29 2011/06/27 $183,000
Donna Snider Customer Support New York 27 2011/01/25 $112,000